Ever since reading Susan Orlean’s New Yorker article about her treadmill desk, I’ve been obsessed with getting one. I’m happy to announce it’s here. After a few months of talking about it and another month or two of researching the possibilities, we’ve built something and we’re happy to share the results with anyone who wishes to do the same.
Writing Tip: Lay Your Notes Out The Night Before
An editor friend of mine recently commented that for her, writing is like exercise: she feels good once it’s over, but she finds it hard to start.
I agree on both counts. Starting anything is the hardest part.
Advice for Home Workers
I shudder to think of the spam this blog post title is going to get me, but so be it. This needs to be said.
At the tail end of a work phone call today, my friend and colleague P. gave me some great advice. I’d told her that I’ve been trying to make a morning exercise routine stick. I’m currently on Day Four of what I hope will become a permanent lifestyle change that involves walking, biking, hiking, or swimming for an hour every morning, six or seven days a week.