Semantics Lesson: Blog vs. Post

Note: This post was originally featured on (and before that, MySpace).

This is a reprint of an article I originally wrote in 2004 on MySpace, in reaction to a semantic error that allowed users to “Post a New Blog.” Unfortunately, this confusion over blog vs. post persists. Today, hundreds of thousands of people incorrectly refer to their individual blog entries as “blogs” instead of “posts,” a semantic error which is like nails on a chalkboard to us early adopters.

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To Tumblr or Not to Tumblr?

I’m asking myself that question these days, partly because Tumblr Storyboard is paying for journalism (and, with The Rumpus, for essays on the last book you loved). But I’m also thinking about Tumblr because something I wrote about it last April for my business blog got cited in an academic article.

You can see that academic article here: Mangiafico, S., “Six Months in Social Media: The Life History of a Natural Resources Blog in New Jersey,” Journal of the NACAA 5 (2) (2012): ISSN 2158-9429.

Here’s the original blog post cited in the article: Should You Be Using Tumblr?

(Hint: the blog post does help you answer that question.)

— Kristen