Client Brag Time

Two good pieces of news came through my email today:

  1. My editing client Dr. Stacey Rosenfeld is happy to share that her first book, Does Every Woman Have an Eating Disorder: Challenging Our Nation’s Fixation with Food and Weight, is now available for pre-order at Amazon. I worked with Stacey last fall to get her manuscript in top shape. We’re both really proud of the final product. If you’ve been following the no-PhotoShop movement or know anyone who wants to stop obsessing about body image issues, please share news of this book with her!
  2. My strategic consulting and copywriting client Mark Rubinstein is thrilled at the news that his most recent novella, The Foot Soldier, is one of four Finalists nominated for the 2014 Benjamin Franklin Award in the Popular Fiction category. The novella, loosely based on Mark’s own experiences as an Airborne division medic during Viet Nam, is $0.99 for Kindle — get it here.

Congratulations to both of you, and enjoy the benefits of your hard work!

Semantics Lesson: Blog vs. Post

Note: This post was originally featured on (and before that, MySpace).

This is a reprint of an article I originally wrote in 2004 on MySpace, in reaction to a semantic error that allowed users to “Post a New Blog.” Unfortunately, this confusion over blog vs. post persists. Today, hundreds of thousands of people incorrectly refer to their individual blog entries as “blogs” instead of “posts,” a semantic error which is like nails on a chalkboard to us early adopters.

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What We’ve Been Up To

Note: This post was first published on

We’re having a good couple of work weeks here at 563. A 5-day test run of Google ads we wrote for one client sold 49 eBooks. (That’s 10 eBooks a day; very respectable.) After the test, we wrote a custom landing page to boost conversion on one of the ads. We’re curious to see how that ad performs now that it points to a page specially designed to answer Google users’ questions.

This week, another of our clients is outperforming The Perks of Being a Wallflower on Perks is a paid placement with a major movie tie-in; our client’s book is a debut novel from a small publisher. Its success is due largely to good old-fashioned Twitter networking and persistence.

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